Mission Statement:
Believing whole-heartedly that within every human Being there exists a Source of pure and perfect energy, a Power that guides us towards Self-Actualization… I-EMPOWERMENT aims to awaken and align individuals with this Power within by producing, providing, and promoting transformational events, publications, and services that allow one to reach their greatest potential and experience the life they desire and deserve.
Company Goal:
I-EMPOWERMENT is a collaboration corporation that believes community and camaraderie are essential elements of success within the realms of personal development and self-improvement. The company’s goal is to be a resource hub where individuals can come to get the encouragement, empowerment, and education they need to achieve the life they want.
I-EMPOWERMENT Arizona Productions will present Monthly and Quarterly Mind/Body/Soul Events to support people within the community on a more regular basis And do one yearly Wellness on Water (WOW) Cruise. During these events, the Professional Affiliates of I-EMPOWERMENT will be providing workshops, on a wide-range of topics, from which attendees can effectively learn, heal, and grow together in a safe and loving space. Below is a sample of what the quarterly event would look like. The monthly events would have the same layout but will be one speaker in each of the areas of Mind/Body/ Soul. The cost and location of the events will be decided (as a team) by IEmpowerment Affiliates.
9:00-10:00 Meet & Greet
Choice between two
Presentations from the Mind Center
Choice between two
Presentations from the BODY Center
Choice between two
Presentations from the SOUL Center
Wendy Lynn
Writer/Publisher/Certified Life-Empowerment Coach/Events Coordinator & Enneagram Personality Practitioner