Certified Life Coach & Enneagram Practitioner
WendyLynn - Author/Speaker
Who I AM
When people are required or asked to introduce themselves, the responses are typically more centered on what they do and who they know than on who they are. "I am Austin and Dalton's mom... I am the office manager at a local hotel, or I am the person you need to go through to get to what you want. For me, the awareness of Who I AM was the result of learning and deciding who I am NOT. I spent the first 27 years of my life disguising myself, the next 5 years searching for myself, and the last 10 years - creating Who I AM. My intention for the next 40 to 50 years - Loving WHO I AM. My commitment to my personal growth and Being an expression of Love allows me to define Who I AM as the greatest possible version of WendyLynn in the making.
“I Love, not because I can love... but rather, because
Wendy Lynn was born in New Orleans Louisiana in 1969. At the age of 40, Wendy graduated, Summa Cum Laude, from the University of New Orleans with special focus in Psychology and Philosophy. In the fall of 2008, she received her Empowerment Life Coaching Certification from iPec (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) and also completed the Life Potentials Certification Program and the Energy Leadership Program. For WendyLynn, empowering others through her writing and coaching supports her life's mission - to Live an Authentic, Love-filled, Purpose-driven Life.
My Business
As a life coach, it is my business to support, encourage, align, empower, validate, awaken, elevate, motivate, educate, inspire, assist, respect, challenge, celebrate, and appreciate my clients. In my business, there can be no personal judgments, manipulation, persuasion, or negativity. I believe that the coach client relationship must remain healthy, productive, and empowering in order to be effective.
As a writer, it is my goal to grow through my work and to exemplify what I have learned. I aspire to enlighten, encourage, and empower my readers through books focused on Self-Awareness, Self-Love, and Self-fulliment through Personal Growth.
Wendy Lynn specializes in coaching focused around:
Personal-ity Growth: Creating habits that benefit your life, as well as represent the person you really want to be. Enneagram Practitioner - helping you to know Who you are from the Enneagram perspective is one of the most effective tools for transformation that I work with.
Goal Achievement: Identify goals and creating action plans that support your success and future desires.
Self-Acceptance: Raising your awareness into the power you have to Create Who You Are instead of letting others to determine what you become.
Self Awareness: Releasing the past and letting go of the limited beliefs, judgments, and negative thought patterns that keep you from achieving the happiness, peace, and Love available to you in any given moment.
Positive Thought Processing: Replacing pessimistic, victim mentalities with optimistic, positive perspectives that will change your reality.
Authenticity: Aligning your best intentions with your behaviors by discovering when, how, where, and with who you are being hypocritical.
Self Worth: Acknowledging that being the unique person you are is how you bring the greatest value to your life and the world around you.
Self Love: Learning to give yourself the same respect, compassion, forgiveness, and Love that you give to others.
For Motivational Speaking Events please present WendyLynn with event information and proposal via e-mail.